Terms & Conditions

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Cyberlet(“Cyberlet” or “we”) gives the substance on this Web website (the “Webpage”) subject to the accompanying terms and conditions (the “Terms”). We may occasionally change the Terms of Use, so please recheck the same on the site every now and then. By getting to and utilizing this Site, you consent to these Terms. For clarification of Cyberlet’s practices and approaches identified with the accumulation, utilisation, and capacity of our client’s data, please read our Privacy Policy.


All substance and utilities on the Site, including content, designs, logos, symbols, and pictures thereof (“Site Content”), is the selective property of Cyberlet, its subsidiaries or its licensors and is secured by Indian and global copyright laws. The trademarks, plans, and logos (all things considered as “Trademarks”) shown on the Site belong to Cyberlet, its affiliates and its licensors. All rights not explicitly conceded are reserved.

Any generation or redistribution of the content and utility shown on the website in its entirety or to some degree is explicitly disallowed by law and may bring about criminal or common penalties. You may not duplicate, alter, disperse, post, or reveal the Content without Cyberlet’s approval. You concur that you won’t allude to or ascribe any Site Content to Cyberlet or its partners or licensors in any open medium (e.g., official statement) for publicizing or to inform or affecting any outsider and that you won’t utilize or imitate any Trademark of, or infer any support by or association with, Cyberlet or its members or licensors.


Cyberlet disallows the posting of any information that encroaches or abuses the copyright rights as well as other IP rights (counting privileges of security and attention) of any individual or element. In the event that you trust that your IP right (or such a right, to the point that you are in charge of implementing) is encroached by any substance on the Site, please contact Cyberlet at the address provided, with a written statement that contains: (a) recognizable proof of the copyrighted work or potentially IP right to have been encroached; (b) ID of the professedly encroaching material on the website that is asked for to be taken out; (c) your name and contact details; (d) an announcement that you have a decent knowledge that the utilization of the copyrighted work and additionally exercise of the IP right isn’t approved by the proprietor, its operator, or the law; (e) an announcement that the data in the notice is precise, and, under punishment of prevarication, that the signatory is approved to follow up in the interest of the proprietor of the correct that is purportedly encroached; and (f) the signature of the licensed IP proprietor or authorized approver for the proprietor’s sake to affirm encroachment of the right. Cyberlet will evacuate any posted substance that encroaches the copyright or other licensed IP of any individual under Indian Law, subject to the supply of such an announcement to Privacy Officer at hr@cyberlettech.com.


The information and utility of the Cyberlet site are provided with the understanding that Cyberlet is not engaged in providing professional advice and services to you. All the information and utility on the site is provided “as it is”, without warranty of any sort, either expressed or implied, including, without exception, implied warranties for a particular purpose. Cyberlet and its third-party content providers make no guarantees to the ownership, perfection or adequacy of the website content. Cyberlet shall have no liability or responsibility for any information published on interlinked websites, contained in any content published on the site, or provided by third parties. Cyberlet or its third-party content providers shall not be liable for any damages or for loss and profits, whether or not informed of the possibility of such damages and regardless of the theory of liability.


We may give other website links, and a portion of the information appearing on this website is provided by these associate websites. Cyberlet has no obligation regarding these outsider web destinations, which are represented by the Terms of Use and security measures of their own.


These Terms are represented by the laws of India without reference to the standards of contentions of laws thereof. Any debate emerging from these Terms should be settled only in the state and government courts of India.


Cyberlet may alter or stop any part of its site whenever they feel right, including, its information or highlights. Cyberlet maintains the authority to modify/alter the terms of use material to the utilization of the services. These modifications will be taking effect right after notifications, which should be conveyed on the site. Utilization of the services after notice might be considered to be an acknowledgement by the User of these updates.


Cyberlet may end-user accessibility whenever they feel fit and for any reason, they feel right. The arrangements with regards to Disclaimer of Warranty, Information Accuracy, Indemnification, and Third Party Rights will be applicable accordingly.


The client’s entitlement to protection is of significance to Cyberlet. When you enrol to utilize our site, Cyberlet will request that you give your name and other details. We utilize that data to give you a more customized experience and to process orders, and also to monitor what points are important to our perusers. This data won’t be imparted to any outsider.


In event of a requestor neglecting to consent with this arrangement, Cyberlet maintains whatever authority is needed to apply bans of changing spans, including a prohibition on all utilization of the Cyberlet name. For seriously repetitive violators, such prohibition will be for a base time of (3) months. Likewise, Cyberlet may look for extra measures accessible under contract, copyright and other relevant law.

9. About Copyright & Quotes

The name Cyberlet and all of its published materials are protected under copyright and trademark protection policies, irrespective of their source. In order to use the name “Cyberlet” or use images, excerpts, content, quote of Cyberlet’s published materials, parties must send a written usage request for Cyberlet’s approval. Said approval will be subject to the discretion of Cyberlet leadership. Cyberlet reserves the right to refuse of the submitted request.

10. Policy Changes

Cyberlet reserves the right to modify/update the terms and conditions detailed under the policy or any explanations thereof at any given time, without prior notice. Talk’s policies and its explanations are for the intent of providing general information and do not include a waiver of any rights of Cyberlet, said rights being specifically reserved.

11. Disclaimer of Warranties

Cyberlet neither expresses nor implies any warranties. This includes, sans any limitations, the saleability and fitness of a Product/Service with respect to a particular purpose.

12. Liability Limitations

Cyberlet will not be liable for:

Occurrence of damages of any nature which includes but isn’t limited to any direct, incident related or consequence enforced damages (encompassing but not limited to – lost profitability, interruptions in business, information loss), resulting due to the inability to properly navigate and leverage Cyberlet website and any information provided on it, any of its Products/Services and any information related to them or any errors, inaccuracies possible occurring due to misinterpretation of our Services/Products.

13. Links

The site hosts a link to other websites which are either a part of Cyberlet entity or included as a resource for the user’s convenience. Should you have any kind of concern related to these sites, please write to info@cyberlettech.com

14. Indemnification

Visitors visiting the site of Cyberlet gives their consent to consider Cyberlet, its licensors, affiliates, leadership, employees, and agents as harmless and indemnify from and against any damages, losses and related expenses incurred of any nature.